At the heart of the Gospel is the concept of sacrifice. Jesus died on the cross to take the place of the sinner. This was for the permanent sacrifice for the sins of the world. (John3:16-17) This has a great impact immediately on the one who trusts in Jesus for this sacrifice that brings forgiveness in relationship with God the Father. Now that we have this forgiveness we are in a new position of righteousness before the Father because of Jesus the Son. Because of this life-giving sacrifice of Jesus, believers are called to be a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2) in serving the Lord by serving others. Throughout scripture, the call for loving your neighbor as evidence of your close communion with God in Christ is evident. (Matthew 22:34-39) We must serve and sacrifice to meet the needs of our neighbors because of our trust in Jesus. This service is not only to meet needs, but to reveal the grace and mercy of God through the decency of kindness shown to others. Our neighbor, in scripture, is to extend to all we come in contact with. (Matthew 5:43-48) If how we treat others is within the context of the sacrifice of Christ for our sins, then our actions will be sacrificial and loving no matter the obstacles or circumstances. Let us not limit our neighbors to only those who love us back or those that we agree with us, but extend our service ministry to all that we come in contact with. This will bring glory to the Father and reflect the life we have in Him.
The popular idea that is threatening this aspect of the christian life is that of not worrying about your neighbor. To pay attention to the things that impact your life alone sounds very attractive on the surface. This type of self-isolation actually violates the christian mission and purpose of loving your neighbor. By taking the opportunities to show love and kindness to others you are choosing to worry about someone else other than yourself. You have to worry about your neighbor to be a kind and loving follower of Christ. Let us make a commitment to be sacrificially obedient to the Lord by taking the love we have in Him and pour it into the lives of all people.