Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Assurance of Righteousness

The first thing that comes to my mind, when trying to understand righteousness, is anything that is "of God." While that might be the most obvious and simple definition, I think it  goes well beyond that. Certainly God is the determiner of what is truly good and righteous. He is the giver of all good and perfect gifts. (James 1:17) We find righteousness when we draw close to God through Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:27) As our fellowship with God becomes close, we then desire His plan and design for our lives. Conforming to the Will of God is the perfect way of understanding the righteousness of God. This desire will seek all actions, decisions, thoughts, and words to be a part of the Will of God. Since it is God that determines righteousness, it is the approval of God that assures us that we have found righteousness in His Will. Yes, He is the source of all things good and the one who helps turn us all to the ways of righteousness. The path of righteousness, that is a lifestyle that is according to God’s desires, is one of resistance and opposition in this world.(Matthew 7:13-14) Though, assurance from God is all the approval a believer needs to resist the world and embrace the ways of righteousness. 

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