Monday, October 5, 2015

Godly Intentions

This is the key to a life of bringing glory to the Lord. We must make every request and decision with godly intentions. In prayer, we present many needs before our Lord that we have full confidence He can answer. This is why we bring those requests to Him. But the answer is not guaranteed and certainly God is not bound by anything to answer our prayers. Prayers that are answered are prayed according to the Will of God and have His character in mind. God is able but He also has a plan for His creation. For Him to answer a request from His creation that contradicts His plan and standards would be absurd. To have godly intentions with our prayers and actions is to have a like desire for the plans of God to prevail over anything else. This brings glory to God. When our desires match up with the desires of the God of creation, we most certainly will find answers. These answers  may or may not be what we expected, but they will be the right answers. May all that we do and ask be in accordance with the Will and character of God.

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Devotional Thoughts: The Breaking Point

Photo by Aaron Burden Life is full of moments when enough is enough. This can be in the small things...