Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Who You Are In Secret

Privacy is something of great importance in our culture and really is a part of worldwide culture. With the desire to have aspects of our lives that are unknown to the outside world comes the effort to put up hedges. One question for the follower of Christ is, what is going on in your life during those moments of privacy? Who are you in those secret moments of your day or week. There is no doubt that Jesus emphasizes the importance of withdrawing from others to spend time with God the Father. This was modeled in the life of Christ and emphasized as evidence of a sincere faith lived out. When serving others by meeting their need we are to value this as a private act and not something to draw attention to ourselves. The consequences of not have a private life that is focused on drawing close to the one true God is that we begin drawing close to the praise and attention of others. Seeking righteousness in our times of privacy is empowering for our public life of faith. This empowerment is not only for the purposes of being effective in the act but to reinforce the object of your obedience and worship. Whether it is in giving, prayer, or even fasting, Jesus points to starting with private obedience to make sure that your motives are pure when seen by others. This world needs to see a display of righteousness from the people of God. This display must come as an overflow of private worship and devotion in order for God it get the glory that is due Him. We are not to withdraw from the world in complete isolation, as that would be counterproductive in being heralds of the gospel. We are to make disciples and spread the good news of the Gospel for the glory of God. To ensure that we do not seek the building of our own personal kingdom but are contributing to the furthering of God’s kingdom, let us be devoted to private righteousness in seeking the Lord. As the Lord feeds our hunger and thirst for righteousness in private, then we are ready to publicly declare the Gospel with our actions and words. 

Recommended Passages
Matthew 5-6
Matthew 28:19-20
Romans 10:15
Luke 5:16
Matthew 14:23
Mark 1:35

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