Life is full of adjustments. In fact, life could be one long string of constant adjustments. As I have recently been going through many adjustments that come with moving to a new town, I have been pray through how God is present during the changes that occur. God’s guidance should obviously be the reason for changes that happen in the life of a Christian, but I also believe that He is present throughout the process is some special ways. What are the characteristics of God, that we know from scripture, that are helpful during times of adjustments? There have been two that have been dominant in my thinking. He is our refuge. He is our rock.
The fact that God is our refuge means He is a place of protection or shelter. Even in times of good and exciting adjustments, there is a need for God to be a refuge. The unknowns that often come with life change or adjustments makes it vital for habits to be formed that actively turn to the Lord in acknowledgement of your need for Him. What do you do when you don’t know what to do? Seeking the place of secure shelter that is the presence of God should be our automatic response. Prayer, public worship, private worship, and reading scripture are all spiritual disciples that are actively seeking the shelter of God. Those of us with a “fix it” mindset must find a way to stop trying to simply figure out the unknowns through more effort. More effort is good with guidance that we find when we first seek God as our refuge. More effort without acknowledging our need for God is dangerous and futile for those that have trusted in Jesus as Savior. So we must stop. We must simply pause and engage with the Lord as a place to go for all that we need to navigate our circumstance for the glory of God.
The fact that God is our rock provides confidence that seeking Him is not in vain. This is because of His nature. He is a massive and unshakeable foundation. When discerning the unknowns, it is good to have stability. Our confidence to move forward is fueled by what we know for sure. That God is who he says He is in His Word. So as we seek His shelter, we are seeking protection from the One who is unchanging and unfazed by the circumstances of our life that are “unknowns" to us. God knows our unknowns. He must be our constant from beginning to end each day.
Whatever your current adjustments are, I must ask, where are you turning? What provides you with confidence, assurance, rest, and guidance when you are in uncertain times? We must allow God to be who He always is. Our refuge and our rock. He is always present.
from him comes my salvation.
my mighty rock, my refuge is God.” -Psalms 62:7