Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Impact of “None is Righteous”

In the book of Romans chapter 3 verses 10 and 11, we see a clear statement on the depravity of man. The very fact that there is no man on the face of the Earth that can claim he is righteous apart from God has some implications. Let’s look at two that are automatic when thinking of this truth. First, this shows the starting point in which everyone views the world around them. Each person sees the issues of the world through the lens of lostness. This is to mean from the view point of separated from God. One cannot understand and glorify the Lord apart from the knowledge of who God is and what His standards are. Man in the beginning is apart from God with no ability to comprehend what is truly righteous. This leads to the burden of those that are redeemed by the blood of Jesus. The second implication from this passage is the urgency and need to reveal the source of righteousness. Through our actions and verbal witness of the redeemer that shows true righteousness, the world will only then know the one true God. 

This passage penetrates to the heart the need for an effective life in showing the world the truth of salvation through Jesus. We must find urgency in proclaiming the cure for sin that we have found and others are still looking for. May we see this truth as a reminder of where we came from before we found the source of righteousness. There must be a word spoken that leads individuals to where we are now, we who are children of God! (Romans 10:14)

Devotional Thoughts: The Breaking Point

Photo by Aaron Burden Life is full of moments when enough is enough. This can be in the small things...